In 2020, The Company advanced its understanding of the Post Creek Property through outcrop sampling and data compilation. Compilation work identified Cu-Au mineralization along strike of the NNE trend of the Whistle Offset quartz diorite. This mineralization is contained in a large area of Sudbury Breccia that extends from the contact deposit at Whistle Mine, through the Podolsky and North Zone mineralization and onto the Post Creek property. The trend has not been significantly offset by structure and the possibility exists that an Archean structural zone hosting a concentric belt of breccia and possibly quartz diorite is present in this location and as such is an additional exploration target.
The eastern portion of the Post Creek Property and most of the Halcyon Property are poorly explored and have very limited geophysical coverage. In the future, exploration work will focus on these areas. Information on adjacent claims to the west of Halcyon indicate the potential for concentric dikes, and a prospecting program is planned to search for discontinuous segmented radial and concentric quartz diorite proximal to the base of the SIC on the Post Creek Property and further to the north where the geological relationships between gabbroic rocks and Espanola Formation limestones offers potential for an extension of the concentric Milnet segment of the Parkin Offset. The identification of prospective quartz diorite within zones of Sudbury Breccia will provide a focus for additional deep-penetrating surface profile electromagneytic surveys designed to identify footwall style mineralization.
Engagement and ongoing dialogue with local First Nation communities regarding future exploration programs will continue.
The prospecting program is planned for the fall of 2022.
The Company is open to working with a strategic JV partner in order to more quickly advance exploration on the Post Creek and Halcyon properties.