The team at PNRL began exploration of the properties in 2010 and this work was primarily focussed on finding an extension of the Whistle Offset. The exploration program comprised outcrop stripping, washing and detailed mapping along with Beep Mat geophysical surveys to look for shallowly buried mineralization. Conductive targets were identified and these areas were stripped of overburden using an excavator and washed using a Wajax pump. Exposed mineralization was sampled and assayed for Ni, Cu, Co Au, Pt and Pd. Anomalous metals values of up to 29 g/t Au, 18.7 g/t Ag and 15% copper were obtained in samples from the southern portion of the Post Creek property which lie along an extension of the Whistle Offset trend. Mobile Metal Ions soil geochemical surveys were also undertaken to follow-up results of historic airborne VTEM and ground IP and magnetic surveys.
In 2011, our team conducted an extensive exploration program over the Post Creek and Halcyon properties. A complete review of the historical Namex Exploration Inc. data was completed as well as a reassessment of a 2003 helicopter-borne time domain electromagnetic survey. As a result of this compilation, a deep-looking ground InfiniTEM survey as well as a walking MAG VLF survey were carried out on the Post Creek property and identified a number of geophysical anomalies. Follow-up prospecting to investigate these anomalies resulted in the discovery of a new Quartz Diorite dyke in the north-central portion of the Post Creek property. Extensive trenching, sampling and geological mapping were carried out between July and November and, in late 2011, seven diamond drill holes totaling 1,533m were completed. The drilling intersected heavily disseminated to semi-massive pyrrhotite, pyrite and minor chalcopyrite hosted within large blocks of mafic volcanic rocks and within oxide and iron formation but did not return any significant values.
In 2015, The Company supported an NSERC funded research project headed up by Dr. G. Osinski (University of Western Ontario) which included an evaluation of the CJ Quartz Diorite and confirmed that the Quartz Diorite is a part of the SIC.
In April and May of 2016, ground traverses and prospecting were carried out on the Post Creek property. A number of new locations of interpreted Sudbury Breccia were identified and led to a subsequent trenching program in the southern portion of the property in the vicinity of previously identified IP anomalies. Trench mapping was completed in October and identified a significant belt of Sudbury Breccia which is at least 300m x 300m in size. Various samples were collected in 2016 for assay and thin section analysis.
During the summer of 2018, The Company supported a Master’s Thesis on Post Creek area geology by Mr. Thomas Baechler in association with the University of Western Ontario, supervised by Dr. Gordon Osinski. Through this partnership, the size of the Sudbury Breccia belt on the Post Creek Property has been expanded to have an extent of 1300m and widths up to 650m. In November and December of 2018, the company carried out additional prospecting work and drilled two drillholes totalling 969 metres. A hole designed to evaluate the CJ Quartz Diorite at depth cored primarily mafic volcanics and intersected sphalerite rich VMS mineralization that returned values of 3.55% Zn, 0.05% Cu and 0.82 g/t Ag over 7.5m. The second hole targeted a magnetic anomaly associated with surface grab samples containing 1.05% to 1.93% Cu along strike of the Whistle Offset Dyke. The hole intersected a 0.3m interval of chalcopyrite rich veins that returned 1.85% Cu and 3.7 g/t Ag (See Press Release Feb 12, 2019) and a strongly magnetic ultramafic rock unit but failed to intersect any quartz diorite or other SIC lithologies, remaining in highly altered mafic volcanics for almost the entire hole.
Prospecting work in 2020 to the immediate north and west of the drilling completed on the CJ Offset identified quartz diorite boulders and an outcrop of grey gabbro with 0.17% Ni, 0.55% Cu, and 0.26g/t Au+Pt+Pd. Sampling completed on Cu-Au mineralization within the area of Sudbury breccia returned up to 1.975% Cu and 0.873 ppm Au in two different samples (see press release September 9, 2020)

Hand sample of the CJ Quartz Diorite containing blebby disseminated pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite mineralization